Participate and influence the planning of transport infrastructure projects

You can contribute to the creation of a good plan by giving input on important issues during planning.

The parties involved in interaction, and the scope and content of interaction are formed on the basis of the planning phase and the nature of the project. It is important for citizens and other planning parties to influence planning at the right time.

The planning of transport infrastructure projects is a process that becomes more detailed as it advances. The precision of planning and decision-making for each phase will be coordinated with land use planning.  In small projects not all phases are always needed and some phases can be combined. Major projects and projects that are significant for the environment are assessed in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedure either before or at the same time as the general plan or the road plan or the railway plan. During the EIA process, the public and the authorities will be heard twice.

During the preliminary study phase, the main focus is on cooperation between different authorities. During the preliminary study, the need for interaction varies according to the nature of the project. Participation by authorities, such as municipalities and regional councils, is usually emphasised during such cooperation. The decision to begin planning can be made based on the preliminary study. The decisions consist of the statements of the road, railway or waterway infrastructure manager on the necessity, timing and further planning of development actions. Actions deemed necessary proceed to the stage of further development and implementation, their timetable being determined by the available funding.

During general planning, cooperation bodies include municipalities, regional councils, environmental authorities and other planning organisations, landowners, local residents, entrepreneurs and various non-governmental organisations, and, in the case of waterways, ports and shipping companies. Extensive interaction is particularly important during general planning, as this is when the most important basic solutions for the project will be decided.

The general plan defines the approximate location of the road and railway, the need for space and how these will relate to surrounding land use. An approved general plan may limit other construction and impose an obligation on the road keeper to expropriate areas. In most cases, matters of principle approved in the general plan are usually no longer discussed at the road and railway planning stage. Customarily, when the road and railway plan is eventually submitted for processing, such matters of principle are no longer subject to change through objections or appeals.

Because the road and railway plan settles any issues directly affecting land owners and other concerned parties, interaction is focused on issues concerning them. When drawing up the road and railway plan, in addition to regional councils, environmental authorities and municipalities, landowners, residents and entrepreneurs in the neighbouring area of the road and railway as well as the necessary other authorities will also be involved in interaction. Under a road and railway plan, the state has the right to take possession of the areas indicated in the plan and begin construction of a road and railway.

The interaction procedures of road and railway planning are described in more detail in separate brochures on road planning and railway planning.

There is no similar legislation-based planning phase regarding waterways as there is for road and railway planning. The location of a waterway is determined during the permit process pursuant to the Water Act, at which time the parties concerned also have the opportunity to influence the project and its implementation. 

Construction planning is related to the immediate implementation of the project, is often included in the contract and is only carried out once the project funding has been arranged. Construction planning is the technical design of the project, and public debate is no longer sought during this phase. Within limits of the road and railway plan, interaction between road constructors and landowners and other concerned parties continues throughout the entire construction planning phase and construction.  The discussion relates to the arrangements during construction. In minor projects, the road and railway planning phases can be combined. 

A public road survey or track survey is performed before the construction of a road or a railway begins. Compensation for the land area required for construction, detours or other impediments caused by the route to be built, and any damage, are settled in the public road survey or railway survey carried out by the National Land Survey of Finland. A separate brochure on land expropriation and compensation issues describing the survey procedure, compensation and its payment in more detail is available on the National Land Survey of Finland website. 

Information on projects, public notices

The party responsible for planning publishes public notices related to general, road and track planning in the State traffic network planning service concerning the launch of planning, making the plan available to the public or approval of the plan. Public notices are also made available on the website of the party responsible for planning and published in the newspapers of the municipalities in the planning area. Public notices include the name and type of planning site as well as the parties and persons responsible for the planning. Through the service, it is possible to follow the progress of planning and find information on future interaction events and available plans.

Links to the public notices website of the parties responsible for planning

You can also find information about the projects on our website under the section Information on planning sites. 

You can influence planning, for example by:

  • Speaking with the people drawing up the plan in person
  • Having an influence through the municipality’s employees (most often members of cooperation groups).
  • Working actively in organisations and associations that promote your interests, etc.